Stage 2 - Dimmock's Cote to Waterbeach (6.1 miles)
(Click on photos to obtain FULL SIZE image)        SEE MAP 

Start (If banks are dry)
O/S Grid Ref using GPS
TL 53665
Post Code CB7 5XL


Up raised bank to gate
between Trees


Start  (If banks are water-logged)
Divert to the right before reaching
the concrete road bridge and
cross the A1123
Post Code CB7 5XL


Pump House/Pill Box


Marina (on other side of river)


Track Junction
(turn left to follow footpath)


1st Water channel (on right)


Style across meadow fence


2nd Water channel (on Right)
(head diagonally right to bank)


Gate at far side of meadow (on bank)


Lock (on other side of river)




Gate before weir  
Weir and island lock


Gate after weir


Style after weir


Gate (pass mobile home park on left)

Track Junction (turn left)

Road at Waterbeach
Turn tight and immediately left)
Cycle track (parallel to road)

Change-over (lay-by)
O/S grid ref using GPS
Post Code CB5 9HZ


< Stage 1                                    Stage 3 >