Members present (24): Peter Gipp,
Peter Harris, John Turner, Eric Drury, Adam Etches, Darren Murfitt, Fran
Crawford, John Crawford, John Fordham, Stephen
Howard, Torsten Lytken, Alan
Rutterford. Rod Baron, Matthew Hall, Charlie Barker, Natalie Coles, Karen
Foreman, Sarah Sharpe, Max D'Ayala, Lana Chalmers, Andrew Rowson. Chris
Rayment, James Wilson, Kevin Collins.
Apologies (9): Ian Blatchford,
William Clapp, Rodney Atkinson. Tony Hall, Peter Boville, Nicola Hector, Diana
Gipp, Nicola Finn, Deborah Jennings
Chairman's Opening remarks on 2003
1. Chairman Peter Gipp opened the
meeting at 7:36 pm. He said it had been a successful year with many new members
and excellent club events.
Minutes of the 2003 AGM
2. These were taken as read as they
had been circulated in the June 2003 Newsletter and were attached to the 2004
AGM agenda.
Matters arising from the 2003 AGM
3. John Turner said: (a) Members now
had free changing and showers at the Paradise after training and racing. (b)
The Paradise had refused to have an outside Ely Runners HQ plate. (c) The
medals for the CAA XC 3rd team had been engraved. (d) No one had volunteered to
understudy Fran Crawford as Grunty Fen Race Director. (e) Fran Crawford was
thanked for organising another successful Grunty Fen Half Marathon in 2003.
Treasurers report year ending 31 Dec
4. Peter Harris presented details of
income and expenditure for the club, Grunty Fen, and 10k races with stock
valuations and a balance sheet. Net surplus of income over expenditure in 2003
was £2,037.96 compared to £2,052.02 :in 2002. The accumulated fund balance was
£7,517.25 in 2003 compared to £5,479.27 in 2002. The 2003 Grunty Fen Half
Marathon operational loss was £185.19 but after adjustment for sponsorship
income (£975.00), there was an overall profit of £789.81 compared to £846.34 in
2002. The 2003 NYE 10k made a profit of £1,869.05 compared to £1,956.45 in
5. Peter Harris appreciated that the
2003 surplus was at a similar level as in 2002. The main income had been
especially from the NYE 10k and also from the Grunty Fen. There had been
additional expenditure in 2003: Paradise changing, coaching courses, more
social events, and car expenses for the Hereward Relay and long training run
from Woodditton.
6. The club currently had 59 members
of which 19 joined but 12 left in 2003. In 2000, there had only been 20
members. Membership was good value because the subscription income covered only
about half the club's expenditure.
7. In 2003 there had been a small
profit on kit sales compared to a small loss in 2002.
8. There had been a few more entries
in the 2003 Grunty Fen than in 2002. As
the Round Norfolk Relay had been on the same day, there were less club runners
in the Grunty fen but unattached entries had increased from 130 in 2002 to 214
in 2003. The loss without sponsorship was less than in 2002 but it still
remained a big and expensive event at risk of an overall loss without
sponsorship. Peter Harris thanked John Fordham for his sponsorship.
9. The NYE 10k had more entries in
2003 than 2002 but the finishers' beer was more expensive and additional
expenses included the hire of the Village Hall and paramedics.
10. The stock and balance sheets
were presented. There was provision of
£2,401.08 earmarked for the Grunty Fen based on 2001-2003 surpluses of
income because these were only as a result of sponsorship.
11. A deposit account had not yet been
opened due to 'High Street' interest on club accounts being very low. A savings
account would be better but possibly subject to corporation tax. John Fordham
said a Scottish Widows account paid 3% interest. The deposit account situation
would be checked and resolved.
12. John Turner said the club
appreciated Peter Harris' detailed presentation of the club's accounts which
were accepted (pJT/sCB).
Secretary's report
13. John Turner said that apart from
lower CRRL turn-outs by members, 2003 had been a busy year: (a) Club's 2nd
place in the Frostbite League. (b) In addition to the CRRL, CAA and EVAC
Championships, the Grunty Fen had included the RRC Championships -the club's
first national event. (c) Five teams in the Hereward Relay (lst Vets) plus marshalling
and setting up the finish area in Ely. (d) Two training evenings with pub
suppers organised by Peter Gipp at Mepal and Alan Rutterford at Haddenham, (e)
Riverside pub lunch after the St Ives 10k organised by Nicola Finn and Deborah
Jennings. (f) 10k Handicap (won by Deborah Jennings) followed by sandwiches and
chips et the Albert (g) Six vet members running for JTSD had been 1st vets/10th
overall in the 2003 Chariots of Fire Relay. (h) 34 members and friends had
attended the Christmas drinks at the Albert.
I4. Training turn-outs reflected
increased membership and enthusiasm with 10-15 regularly attending on Tuesdays
and Thursdays.
15. There were 10 members entered
into the 2004 London Marathon.
16. Four members had been entered
into the 2004 SEAA XC at Parliament Hill, London and the English National XC
Championships at Temple Newsham, Leeds.
17. With most members on-line, email
communication had helped enormously, especially with more members. It was
requested that members checked their emails regularly and responded quickly.
18. A record entry for the 2004
Grunty Fen was anticipated, especially as the Round Norfolk Relay was the
following Sunday. The Grunty Fen would again be in the Advance Performance 'Run
the A1 Series' with substantial sponsorship and support from Mizuno. The
British Heart Foundation will support the Series charity and receive 25p per
19. The club will be considering
entry into more relay events in 2004 including the SEAA and English Road Relay
Championships, the Green Belt Relay etc.
20. Club kit was available to
purchase after the meeting and booklets on display included: UKA Rules for
Competition, RRC/TRA 2004 Long Distance Directory, UKA XC Handbook, FRA
Fixtures and Handbook, English XC Association Handbook 2003-04.
21 The Secretary's report was
accepted (pTL/sMH)
Election of Officers and Committee
22. Peter Gipp was re-elected
Chairman (pJT/sDM).
23. John Turner was re-elected
Secretary with responsibility for Training and
Event Management (PG/sTL)
24. Peter Harris was re-elected
Treasurer (pPG/sJF).
25. Eric Drury was re-elected as
Logisitics Member for team support, equipment
storage and maintenance, and course
marking (pJT/sKC).
26. Ian Blatchford was re-elected i/c
Club Website and Press Reports (pJT/sCB).
27. Rod Baron was elected i/c Race
Entries and Results (pJT/sMH).
28. Torsten Lytken was elected Team
Captain (pPG/sJT).
29. Darren Murfitt was re-elected i/c
Event Marshals (pPG/sFC).
30. Alan Rutterford was elected
Sponsorship Co-ordinator and i/c Event Water
and Sponge Stations (pRH/sFC)
Review of Club Subscription
31. In view of the club's current
financial standing, it was agreed that this
should stay at £l0 (pPH/sMH)
Grunty Fen Half Marathon
32. The 14th Grunty Fen was confirmed
for Sun 12 Sep 04 (pJT/sKC) and the15th Grunty Fen proposed for Sun 11 Sep 05.
As no one had volunteered to replace Fran Crawford as Race Director, John
Turner expressed that, as Events Manager, he would require a high level of
commitment from members responsible for tasks. He said Advanced Performance had
asked for the 2004 Grunty Fen to be part of the AP/Mizuno sponsored 'Run the
A1' series on beha1f of the British Heart Foundation to which the club would
donate 25p per entry.
33. John Turner mentioned that the
club might bid to include the AAA of England Half Marathon Championships in
34. It was confirmed that the club
10k Handicap would be on Thu 17 Jun 04 with St Radegund Hash House Harriers as
guests (pJT /sTL).
35. It was confirmed that the club
would assist March AC with the 2004 Hereward Relay by marshalling from the
bypass to the finish and set up the finish area.
Also that the club would examine
ways of making the A10 crossing safer (KC/AR).
36. It was confirmed that the club would
hold the 2004 New Year's Eve 10k Road Race with the same successful entry
limits and controls as 2003 (pPG/sSS).
37. It was decided to continue with
membership of the Frostbite Friendly League for the 2004/05 season (PPG/sDM),
Award of Club Trophies - Presented
by Eric Drury
36. The Eric Drury Shield for the
Most Improved Runner was awarded to Alan Rutterford for outstanding effort and
improvement (with numerous PBs) in 2003. Others considered by the Committee
were Stephen Howard, Torsten Lytken, Deborah Jennings (winner of Handicap),
Karen Foreman, Kevin Jennings, and Natalle Coles.
39. The Eric Drury Cup for the Best
Marathon was awarded to Stephen Howard for being l0th in 3:21 (best place and
time by an ER) in the 2003 Beachy Head (formerly Seven Sisters) Marathon.
Matthew Hall was also seriously considered by the Committee for his 2:53 time
in the 2003 London Marathon, the best time by an Ely Runner for several years.
John Turner put Stephen's performance into perspective by mentioning that the BHM
include 3.500' of climb, numerous styles and gates. plus two steep flights of
steps. This meant it could take about 40 minutes longer than a road marathon
and Stephen's time was only 2 minutes
slower than his 3: 19 in the 2003
London Marathon. John Turner read part of an article from 'Runners World' which
said that it was a struggle to run the last 8m of the BHM quicker than the
first 18m and the Seven Sisters presented a 'wall' like no other.
40. The redesignated (from Most
Races Competed) Eric Drury Cup for the Best
Half Marathon was awarded to Torsten
Lytken for his 4th/162 in 1:22:24 in the Brandon Forest Trail Half Marathon
plus his 18thl772 in 1:22:16 in the St Neot's Half Marathon. Other excellent
2003 half marathon performances by members which had been considered by the
Committee were:
Linton (220 ran)
Peter Gipp 18th/1:25:27 and John
Crisp 19th/1:25:31
Nelson (New Zealand)
FV54 Janice Evans in 1:50:07 (PB by
over 6 mins)
Sandringhams (trail, 222 ran)
Stephen Howard 10th/l:27:16 and Kevin
Ross 11th/1:27:33 (lst MV40)
East Cambs (80 ran}
Matthew Hall 5th/1:23:18 (lst E.
Cambs Runner) and John Crisp 7th/l:26:54
Brandon Forest Trail (trail, 162
Mathew Hall 5th/1:22:48
Bedford (133 ran)
Maurice Reed 6th/1 :29:48
Wissey (148 ran)
Derren Murfitt 31st/1:30:03 8nd Alan
Rutterford 32nd/1:30:32 (PO by 4.5 min)
Grunty Fen (410 ran)
Torsten Lytken 25th/1:22:35
Stansted Slog (South Downs, hilly
trail, 200 ran)
Stephen Howard 6th/1:30:50
Derren Murfitt 10th/1:27:09 (best 13.1m
time for 2 years)
St Neot's
Alan Rutterford 69th/1:29:24 (PB)
Club Membership of Paradise Centre
41. It was agreed to continue with
the enhanced club membership of the Paradise Centre for members to change and
shower FOC after training and events (pPG/sAR)
Honorary Memberships
42. Tony Hall (69) had become an
Honorary Member during 2003 and at the AGM
The following members were proposed and accepted to become Honorary Members:
John Fordham (67) for many excellent
vet performances (to MV60+ age re1ated National standard), long term
sponsorship of the Grunty Fen, and kindness, friendship and support to younger
members (pJT/sDM).
Eric Drury (61) for long supporting
club events including course marking, marshalling and use of his van. Also for
race/training support, sponsorship, trophies, help and kindness to members, and
for running numerous PBs in his early years with the club (pJT/sDM).
43. Subject to the Treasurer's
advice on a threshold reserve of funds, moderate expenditure was approved
(pPG/sKC) for consideretion by the Committee on:
a. GPS recorder from Advance
Performance at about £220 less the club's accumu1ated incentive fund of about
£131. Torsten Lytken to evaluate.
( Torsten Lytken subsequently
found a GPS recorder could be bought from the USA for about £80 and
was given one which he has kindly made available for club use).
b. Tent for use at club events and
relays etc.
c. Subsidised wind proof/shower
proof jackets in club colours.
d. Food and bar floats for after the
10k Handicap and for the Christmas Drinks
at The Prince Albert.
e. Club entries for relays, league
memberships, and championships.
f. Adam Etches to assess, report and
develop coaching facilities for the club.
g. Contribution from the Grunty Fen
to the Meningitis Trust to reflect the
involvement of Helen Smith (a
meningitis counsellor and representative for
Anglia TV) in the Grunty Fen
wheelchair event.
Kit Logos
44. Sarah Sharpe suggested the club could
change the ER logo on the back of
race vests to the front and put the
club Ely Cathedral logo on the back. In view of the amount of stock, work and
cost required, this was not taken further but Charlie Barker said the Ely
Cathedral logo could be used on the proposed club jackets.
Any Other Business
45. John Turner requested that subs
be paid to Peter Harris after the meeting.
46. Alan Rutterford said some
members could wear brighter colours for training
at night. Chris Rayment questioned
if runners should keep left or face oncoming traffic. Kevin Collins said that
Newmarket Joggers have to wear reflective kit and it was issued if they did not
have any. John Turner said a white t-shirt
was best because it was visible
irrespective of the direction of light source
and did not make runners look as
'special' as those with reflective bands which, from pest experience, can
attract hooligan drivers. As members usually wore
light or reflective kit at night,
had reflective shoes, and were normally careful, no further action was
considered necessary.
46. A railway book Through the
Ranks on the Southern was presented to John Turner on behalf of the
club by Peter Gipp.
47. There being no other business,
Peter Gipp closed the meeting at 8:54 pm.