2nd FEBRUARY 2009
Present (27 members + 0 guests) Peter Gipp, John Turner, Peter Harris, Charlie Barker, Mary Gates, Eric Drury, Darren Murfitt, Alan Rutterford, Graham Chapman, Tony Hall, Adam Etches, Natalle Etches, Rachel Roberts, Julie Foreman, Stephen Tovey, John Crisp, Melanie Fisher, Stephen Pettit, Emma Greaves, Nick Dowdy, Hannah Shiell, John Glover, Daisy Glover, Kevin Fox, Steve Collett, Rob Comley, Craig Holgate.
Apologies (11) Stephen Howard, Rod Baron, Emily Knight, Brenan Morgan, Ian Vaughan-Arbuckle, Ian Day, Glyn Loveday, Andy O’Hanlon, Daniel Regan, Aimee Hockley, Simon Jackson.
1. Chairman Peter Gipp opened the meeting at 7:35 pm and thanked the Committee, Events Working Group and members for their input at the club’s three open events and Stephen Tovey for organising the three club events so well. He said that up to at least 30 members regularly attended training and thanked i/c training John Turner and coach Alan Rutterford. The Chairman concluded by wishing members a happy running year and hoped they would reach their goals.
2. John Turner said these had been circulated and were on the club’s website. There were no matters arising.
Peter Harris presented the 2008 income and expenditure accounts for the club,
the Turing Trail Relay, the Grunty Fen Half Marathon, and the New Year’s Eve
10k. Also stock details, and a balance sheet. There had been a net surplus
income improvement from £3,225.40 to £8,192.01 particularly because the
provision made for corporation tax - prior to becoming CASC registered - had
not been required, plus increased profits from all three open events. Current
assets included £24,500 deposited in a Scottish Widows (interest) Treasury
Account and £5,293.98 at the bank. The amount at the bank was high because most
of the New Year’s Eve 10k invoices were paid after the 31st
December. After deducting current liabilities of £2,503.68, the net current
assets were £28,264.30. This was represented in the accumulated fund balance by
£20,072.29 b/f from 2007 plus the £8,192.01 surplus of income over expenditure
for 2008.
4. Despite a slightly reduce entry, the 2008 Turing Trail Relay had made an increased profit due to not having the start-up costs of the first event in 2007.
5. The Grunty Fen Half Marathon also had a slightly reduced entry but was more profitable due to having the same entry fee but without chip timing. Sponsorship would also have increased but the Next Generation Club have not yet paid their £600 major sponsorship fee. This was expected and when received will be c/f to the 2009 GF income. The City of Ely Council increased their sponsorship from £250 in 2007 to £425 in 2008.
6. The profit from the New Year’s Eve 10k was a bit higher due to an increase in entry fee.
7. The opening stock of club kit (not including the subsidised fleeces) was £594.90 and the closing stock £607.00
8. Peter Harris thanked everyone for making the open events such a success without which the strong financial position would not be possible.
9. John Turner thanked Peter Harris for his detailed presentation of the accounts and dedicated work as Treasurer. The accounts were accepted. (pPG/sTH).
10. John Turner said membership was now at a record 123 members (from 105 in Feb 2008)
11. A feasibility study (location and grants) for an eight-lane running track (originally proposed to the Mayor’s Olympic Initiative Committee by Ely Runners) had been funded by East Cambs DC. The results would be presented to the next Mayor’s Initiative Meeting. The most likely location was the larger (west) part of Brands Field with the triangle of agricultural land beyond as a car park. The proposal included HQ facilities for Ely Runners and the new ECAC junior club. This facility could encourage the two clubs to combine.
12. Members were requested to help with the 2009 TTR (15th March) as this required control over the 35 miles course.
13. We need to continue to be aware how much new members need to be looked after and a more formal arrangement for a beginners group was suggested.
14. John Turner asked if the monthly Newsletter (which gives regular details of club and race events) was serving its purpose and if members had ideas as to how it could be improved. The meeting agreed that it was doing its job in the current format.
15. John Turner asked members to consider taking over any of his current roles as Secretary, i/c Open Events, Sponsorship, Training and the Newsletter.
Team Captain’s Report
16. Charlie Barker said it had been an excellent year with numerous PBs especially from Stephen Pettit and John Manlow, superb Round Norfolk Relay results, 6 teams in the Hereward Relay, and many members travelling far and wide to events beyond England and the UK. He asked if any more vet members would like to be entered for the EVAC cross-country championships on Sunday 8th February.
17. Alan Rutterford said he was currently the only active coach in a growing club and sought help from other qualified club coaches. As last year, he would liase with John Turner with summer training and ask Paul Evans (who’d been impressed when he came in 2007) to take a session. Alan was helping with the coaching at ECAC and reminded members that their children could attend the ECAC training sessions.
18. The 2007-08 Officers
(Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) had been nominated and agreed to stand for
re-election in 2009-10 and all the Committee Members except Rod Baron (who
wanted to continue in his roles ex-Committee/EWG) had agreed to stand
again. All the EWG members had
otherwise agreed to stay again except Rachel Roberts who was going to help
C&C with their ladies team in the RNR in 2009 and Richard Handoll who had
moved to Wales. Additional nominations included proposals for Brenan Morgan as
Chief Marshal and Emily Knight as Chief Timekeeper
19. Rod Baron was re-elected ex-Committee as Web Master (club & events), Membership Secretary, and to organise Event Results (pJT/sCB)
20. This group comprises members with specific responsibilities for open and club events. The following were proposed and elected:
21. Alan Rutterford was elected as Club Coaching Representative for this group (pJT/s TH).
22. Natalle Etches agreed to stand again and was re-elected (pJT/sMF)
24. Peter Harris proposed (sRR), and the meeting agreed, to affiliations for 2009-10 to:
25. It was agreed that the club should hold/enter/support the following events:
26. Following review and discussion of 2008 performances,
the Committee agreed that the following members be awarded the Club
Trophies. Frostbite League
Manager Eric Drury presented his donated trophies and Chairman Peter Gipp
presented the other trophies to:
27. Chairman Peter Gipp presented Ely Runners Special Achievement Awards – decided by the club’s officers - engraved pewter tankards for the men and engraved pewter goblets for the ladies to:
Darren Murfitt – Chief Marshal 2003-2008
Rod Baron
– First ER/ARC Course Measurer 2008. Membership, Events &
Results Systems (sent 16 Feb 2009)
28. Chairman Peter Gipp also presented two Ely Runners Special Appreciation Awards – decided by the club’s officers – silver-plated dishes with stands - for long-term support at club events to:
· Mary Gates - The Gates Family
· Graham Chapman - The Chapman Family
29. It was agreed to continue with the club membership of the Paradise Centre for members to change and shower free of charge after training or races (pPG/sJT).
30. Proposals were approved for the Committee to authorise, subject to the Treasurer’s advice on threshold reserves of funds, moderate expenditure on:
31. Tony Hall said there was no loyalty in the club anymore. John Turner said that he did not entirely agree and gave examples of loyalty, progress, members’ priorities, and prospects for teams. A lively debate ensued. Tony Hall said we should try to improve turnouts. Emma Greaves said that the club shouldn’t rely so much on the faster ladies in league and team events, and all ladies should be encouraged to take part.
32. Alan Rutterford reminded members that he had tickets for the FFL Presentation evening.
33. John Turner requested that any subs due were paid after the meeting to Peter Harris.
34. Peter Gipp had brought in the remaining NYE10k ale for helpers to take a bottle.
35. John Turner asked if any members had a PSV licence so they could drive a hired mini-bus for training and racing destinations.
36. Alan Rutterford requested that Rod Baron made an Open and a Club class team reservation for the Round Norfolk Relay, and that two lightweight timekeepers bibs were purchased.
37. Alan Rutterford asked John Turner if the summer training schedule could be prepared so that he had a choice of dates to offer to Paul Evans.
38. There being no further business, Chairman Peter Gipp closed the meeting at 9:36 pm.
JT 18.02.2009