Present (28) Peter Gipp, Stephen Howard, John Turner, Peter Harris, Charlie Barker, Mary Gates, Eric Drury, Darren Murfitt, Alan Rutterford, Graham Chapman, Emily Knight, Don Brown, Tony Hall, Stephen Tovey, Melanie Fisher, Stephen Pettit, John Glover, Daisy Glover, Kevin Fox, Craig Holgate, Daniel Regan, Jon Pennington, Nathan Pennington (Jn), Chris Bower, Heidi Fochtmann, Stuart Baumber, David Mould, Simon Jackson
Apologies (13) Julie Foreman, John Crisp, Ian Vaughan-Arbuckle (congratulated the club on RNR results), Alfredo Verna, John Manlow, Ian Day, Rachel Roberts, Kieren Drane, Zoe Martin, Lionel Smith, Hannah Shiell, Nick Dowdy, John Fordham
1. Acting Chairman Stephen Howard opened the meeting at 7:36 pm. He said it had been a busy year with a new Junior Section, three open and several club events. Rod Baron (Websites/Results) and Brenan Morgan (Chief Marshal) had stood down as members. New Committee and EWG members would be welcome.
2. John Turner said these had been circulated and were on the club’s website and mentioned that mileage allowance had been increased from 25p/m to 30/p mile at the December 2009 Committee Meeting.
3. Peter Harris presented the 2009 income and expenditure accounts for the club, Turing Trail Relay, Grunty Fen Half Marathon, and New Year’s Eve 10k. Also stock details and a balance sheet. There had been a reduction in net surplus of income from £8,192.01 to £6,494.02. The reduced 2009 surplus was mainly due to £1,300 corporation tax refund (after CASC registration) received in 2008, a new trophy cabinet (£500) in 2009, and increased expenditure (from £120.00 to £451.70) on the Christmas Drinks buffet and addition to the raffle income donation (from £49 to £215) to EACH.
4. Current assets included £24,500 deposited in a Scottish Widows (interest) Treasury Account and £10,075.82 at the bank. The amount at the bank was high because most of the New Year’s Eve 10k invoices were paid after the 31st December. After deducting current liabilities of £1,024.74, the net current assets were £34,758.32 represented in the accumulated fund balance by £28,264.30 b/f from 2008 plus the £6,494.02 surplus of income over expenditure for 2009. Subject to subsequent agreement by members at the AGM, £20,000 of the accumulated fund balance had been set-aside for the proposed Track Fund.
5. Due to a reduced entry (from 67 teams in 2008 to 49 teams in 2009), the Turing Trail Relay profit was reduced from £1,107.89 in 2008 to £328.35 in 2009.
6. The Grunty Fen Half Marathon also had a reduced entry (from 610 in 2008 to 564) but appeared more profitable due to an increased entry fee and recovery of bad debt 2008 sponsorship money of £600 from the Next Generation Club.
7. The profit from the New Year’s Eve 10k (race full at 700 entries) was a bit higher than in 2008 due to some reduced costs, particularly the mobile toilets which did not arrive.
8. The opening stock of club kit (not including the subsidised fleeces) was £607 and the closing stock £751.00
9. Stephen Howard thanked Peter Harris for his detailed presentation of the accounts and dedicated work as Treasurer. The accounts were accepted after approval of the £20,000 set aside (see ‘Track Fund’ 29-31) for the Track Fund. (pSH/sTH).
10. John Turner said membership was up from a record 123 in 2009 to 156 including 15 Juniors.
11. The Turing Trail Relay was to be re-organised as a club self-navigation event due to there being not enough marshals to make an open race safe. Longer stages to reduce changeovers would be tested with a view to making it an invitation self-navigation event in 2011.
12. Stephen Howard was thanked for becoming Acting Chairman and best wishes were extended to retiring Chairman Peter Gipp and his family. Also, Rod Baron was thanked for his work as Webmaster.
13. Ely Runners were now registered with the Cambs Mini-Bus Scheme and it had been used for the Round Norfolk Relay and Woodditton training run in December.
14. Tuesday and Thursday training attendance had steadily increased with 25-35 members often present.
15. Subscriptions by way of donations from Grunty Fen income had been made to support the Friends of the Roman Road & Fleam Dyke, and also the Magog Trust, as these locations were used for training, and members and their families might enjoy being on working parties.
16. Daisy Glover had received the Ely Standard Adult Achievement Award for Women in 2009.
17. John Turner asked members to consider taking over any of his current roles of Secretary, Open Events, Sponsorship and Training.
18. It had been a good year for the club which had grown in stature with more effort and achievement at all levels plus the welcome development of a Junior Section.
19. East Cambs DC were expected to officially approve the Brand Field site for the running track, subject to official clearance from the by-pass plans. JT had proposed to the Mayor’s Sports Initiative that a Track Fund be set up for this development.
20. Charlie Barker congratulated members on performing well in 2009. There had been lots of PBs, and overall/category places in races. In the London Marathon 10 PBs, Ely 10k 10 PBs, and Peterborough ½ Marathon 9 PBs. Robert Campbell was 3rd MV40 in the British Orienteering Championships; Ian Green and Dave Richards were Ironman finishers; Brenan Morgan completed ultra (West Highland Way 53m and Lakeland 103m) races; Hayley Tooke, Julie Foreman and Mark Turner all finished the Tough Guy Challenge; and the club had achieved good team results in the Round Norfolk and Hereward Relays.
21. Members had travelled far and wide to race (including Athens, New York, Switzerland, Scotland, Exmoor and Wales) which, with good support of local races, had provided excellent achievements across a range of distances, locations and terrains.
22. Alan Rutterford said there had been good commitment from club coaches (including previously dormant coaches Adam Etches and John Crisp) and that he and Melanie Fisher also coached at East Cambs AC. Max d’Ayala and Rachel Roberts were currently dormant but he expected Max would help in the summer. He said that CRB checks had been done and wanted Michael Butler (already a rugby coach) to attend a Level 1 course.
23. The club’s Officers (Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) and six Committee Members were proposed, seconded and elected as follows:
24. This group comprises members with specific responsibilities for open and club events. The following were proposed and elected:
25. Peter Harris proposed (sSH) and it was agreed that:
26. John Turner proposed (sCB) the following affiliations (agreed) for 2010-11:
27. Stephen Howard proposed (sKF) and it was agreed that the Committee and Events Working Group should organise the following events:
28. Stephen Howard proposed (sJT) and it was agreed that the Committee could enter club teams for:
29. John Turner proposed (sSH) that £20,000 available (PH) from the club’s accumulated fund (balance sheet) less money for running the club and its events, was set-aside for a Track Fund. This was agreed by the meeting subject, at the appropriate time, to final approval by Ely Runners at an AGM or EGM to transfer this money into a centralised fund (proposed by JT to the Mayor’s Sports Initiative) for a community athletics track facility (estimated cost over £1m) at the KSE Brand Field site and particularly with a view to ensuring Ely Runners’ anticipated requirements for a meeting room, kitchenette, toilet and store room were integral to the main accommodation structure with access to track and field facilities, fitness rooms, changing rooms, and showers etc.
30. Agreement was also subject to the availability of the £20,000 set aside for the Track Fund to be reviewed and re-approved each year at Ely Runners’ AGM or, if necessary, at an EGM.
31. JT hoped this earmarked money would help to motivate the commencement and growth of a centralised Track Fund for which money could be raised from diverse sources such as grants, appeals through the local press, Old Eleans, local businesses (eg Waitrose causes), sponsorship of sporting activities, special events and creating public awareness of the long-term health and recreational benefits of this project.
32. Stephen Howard announced the Club Cross-Country Championships trophy winners (none at meeting) for the 2009-10 season:
33. Following extensive review and discussion of 2009 performances, the Committee agreed that the following members be awarded the Club’s Annual Trophies. Frostbite League Manager Eric Drury presented his donated trophies and Chairman Stephen Howard presented the other trophies:
34. Chairman Stephen Howard announced the 2010 Ely Runners Special Achievement Awards which are decided by the club’s officers. Engraved pewter tankards were presented (several days after the meeting) to:
35. It was agreed to continue with the club membership (due 1st October) of the Paradise Centre for members to change and shower free of charge after training or races (pJT/sCB).
36. Proposals (JT/sMG) were approved for the Committee to authorise, subject to the Treasurer’s advice on threshold reserves of funds, moderate expenditure on:
37. John Turner proposed (sTH) that Peter Gipp (for many years Chairman, Course Director and role model for members) be granted Honorary Membership – unanimously approved.
38. Alan Rutterford asked if Most Improved Male and Female trophies could be obtained for the Juniors – referred to Committee by Chairman.
39. Alan Rutterford also asked if there should be a separate secure section on the club’s website for Juniors. Steve Tovey said he’s speak to Rob Baron about this and John Turner suggested we checked what other clubs did. Jon Pennington suggested that the names of Juniors were not included with their website photos.
40. Both Darren Murfitt and Peter Harris offered their places for the Stamford 30k on 14th February as they were injured. JT said he would circulate to members.
41. Peter Harris said members could pay their subscriptions after the meeting.
42. Stephen Howard reminded those present to take two bottles of left-over NYE10k ale.
43. There being no other business, Stephen Howard closed the meeting at 9:27 pm.
JT 02.03.2010