JT 05.02.2006
Present (27) Peter Gipp, John Turner, Peter Harris, Rod Baron, Darren Murfitt, Charlie Barker, Eric Drury, Alan Rutterford, Graham Chapman, Ian Day, Adam Etches, Natalle Coles, Stephen Howard, Max D’Ayala, Matt Hall, Lana Chalmers, Susan Bethell, Louisa Bethell, Sarah Sharpe, Jude McCarthy, Claire Law, Ian Vaughan-Arbuckle, Rachel Kiff, Richard Handoll, Mary Gates, Kevin Fox, Don Brown.
Apologies (17) Torsten Lytken, Kevin Collins, Tony Hall, Keith Mitchell, William Clapp, Julie Foreman, Claire Willer, Steve Harrison, Chass Matharu, Justin Greaves, Ian Blatchford, John Crisp, Tim Slater, John Fordham, Alex Tate, Fran Crawford, John Crawford.
1. Chairman Peter Gipp opened the meeting at 7:40 pm. He reported that the 2005 Grunty Fen Half Marathon and New Year’s Eve 10k had been very successful and thanked committee and members for their support and wished the club well for 2006.
2. John Turner said that these had been circulated and on the club’s website. The Newsletters had been replaced by the club web site; the Christmas Drinks venue had remained at the Albert as there had not been an increase in those attending; the club had now purchased two digital watches; the new £32 joining fee (with inclusive kit) had worked well; the purchase of an events tent was still pending. Accepted (pPG/sCB).
3. Peter Harris presented the 2005 accounts. He said the subscription income was of small value relative to the increased expenditure due to a larger membership and that the net surplus of income over expenditure was less than in 2004 because the club had spent more.
4. The operational income from the 2005 Grunty Fen Half Marathon was similar to 2004 but the overall profit was down due to sponsorship being at a more normal level than at the high level in achieved 2004.
5. The New Year’s Eve 10k remained the club’s largest source of income and the profit from the 2005 race was similar to but slightly higher than in 2004.
6. The purchases and sales of club kit (not including the subsidised fleeces) in 2005 had shown a small profit that almost balanced the small loss in 2004.
7. He presented the detailed 2005 income and expenditure accounts for the club, Grunty Fen Half Marathon, and New Year’s Eve 10k. Also stock details, and a balance sheet. The club’s net surplus of income over expenditure was £2,361.69 compared to £3,786.46 in 2004. Current assets included £7,500 deposited in a Scottish Widows (interest) Treasury Account and £6,339.16 at the bank. There was an accumulated fund balance of £13,647.40 of which £6,473.44 was allocated for the Grunty Fen Half Marathon and £7,173.96 for general use.
8. He mentioned that the club’s present healthy financial state was because of the income from the New Year’s Eve 10k, without which there would not have been a surplus of income over expenditure in 2005.
9. John Turner thanked Peter Harris for his detailed presentation of the accounts and for his dedicated work as Treasurer. The accounts were accepted (pJT/sIVA).
10. Both reports were presented by John Turner because 2005 Team Captain Torsten Lytken had moved to work temporarily in Munich.
11. John Turner (also i/c Training and Events) said that training attendance had increased from 15-20 in 2004 to about 15-30+ in 2005. Hard training had brought about many successes and PBs. Training had included a forest run at Brandon organised by Kevin Collins and some tough track sessions organised by Max d’Ayala.
12. Although membership had increased, the club’s administration was simplified because of the web site. Also, all but three members could now be contacted by email.
13. The club had at least nine members in the 2006 London Marathon. Keith Mitchell and John Corbishley had won places in the club draw. Torsten Lytken had again won the Committee place for the BARR draw nomination. (Since confirmed unsuccessful)
14. The 2005 Grunty Fen Half Marathon and New Year’s Eve 10k were again successful due to the help and resourcefulness of members. The 10k Handicap was as enjoyable as usual and followed by drinks and sandwiches in the Prince Albert.
15. The 1 Mile Handicap was too late to use the temporary KSE grass track so Peter Gipp suggested it was done on the straight Quaney Drove. The resulting Straight Mile Handicap was popular and produced some hard training and fast performances such that it will now become the annual venue. Charlie Barker had skilfully made a set of three hard wood shields for the M/F handicap winners, the fastest M/F, and the best age graded M/F.
16. The club again entered and enjoyed the Round Norfolk and Hereward Relays. John Turner thanked members (especially Alan Rutterford) for their help with the organisation, logistics and marshalling of these events.
17. There were 35 (members, family and friends) at the Christmas Drinks at the Albert. Thanks to Adam Etches and Natalle Coles for raising £160 for EACH in the draw.
18. Three prominent members had departed in 2005:
19. A store for the club’s race equipment (previously held in members’ premises) had been hired from East Cambs DC. It was in their Barton Road Yard.
Accepted (pCB/sMH)
20. The 2005 Officers (Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) and five nominated members of the 2005 Committee agreed to stand for re-election. There were no nominations for Team Captain. However, there was a nomination for a new Committee position responsible for the new store and the GF/NYE10k refreshments:
21. All the above appointments were approved.
22. Following discussions with Committee and club members, John Turner proposed that this group should consist of members with specific on-the-day responsibilities for open and club events and also for training. Such members to be invited to Committee Meetings as and when appropriate prior to events. Members currently notified and agreed or pending:
23. Natalle Coles agreed to stand again and was re-elected (pJT/sLC)
24. Peter Harris said that in view of the club’s financial standing (due mainly to the NYE10k) the annual renewal subscription should remain at £10 and the joining fee remain at £32 (includes race vest at £11.50 and shorts at £10.50) for new members. (pPG/sKF)
Club Events 2006-2007
25. It was agreed that the club should hold the following events:
26. John Turner said that all the significant 2005 results had been listed and considered by the Committee for the award of the club’s trophies. There were many deserving candidates and those chosen by the club’s officers represented the majority choices by the Committee.
Frostbite League Manager Eric Drury presented The Trophies to:
Chairman Peter Gipp presented Special Achievement Awards to:
Secretary John Turner presented a Special Achievement Award 2005 to:
All the trophy and award winners each received three bottles of Ely Runners/Sweatshop ‘Starters Orders’ ale.
27. It was agreed to continue with the club membership (currently charged at 5 x £19 annual memberships = £95) of the Paradise Centre for members to change and shower free of charge after training or races (pPG/sAR).
28. Proposals for the Committee to authorise, subject to the Treasurer’s advice on threshold reserves of funds, moderate expenditure on:
29. These expenditure proposals were all approved.
30. Lana Chalmers suggested that it would be beneficial, especially for those travelling from outside Ely, if details of the Tuesday and Thursday training sessions could be announced in advance. The meeting agreed this was a good idea and John Turner, in consultation with Rod Baron, said it would be put on the club’s web site.
31. Alan Rutterford asked if a Junior Team could be entered into the 2006-2007 Frostbite League. As the club did not have a Junior Section, it was agreed that this proposal would have to be considered by the Committee.
32. Alan Rutterford suggested the club should have an accident book. As the club had an adult membership (apart from the children of members looked after by their parent/s) who were entirely responsible for their own safety whilst training and as the club trained outside of premises and without equipment, this was deemed unnecessary by the meeting.
33. Don Brown reminded the meeting of the need to take care whilst training at night. John Turner referred members to the detailed guidelines on training at night on the club’s web site.
34. Max d’Ayala mentioned that guidelines for training could be put on the club’s membership form. For training at night, he said that members already wore the florescent bibs supplied by the club. However, he thought the club should still review safety issues. Ian Vaughan-Arbuckle suggested contacting UKA for guidance. Max d’Ayala also reminded the meeting about the club’s library of running books.
35. Charlie Barker asked members to renew their subscriptions after the meeting.
36. There being no other business, Chairman Peter Gipp closed the meeting at 9:28 pm.