Ely Runners Committee Members

Name Position Club email address Photo
Stephen Howard Chairman chair@elyrunners.co.uk
Ann Thornton Treasurer treasurer@elyrunners.co.uk
Lauren Thomas Secretary secretary@elyrunners.co.uk
Alan Rutterford Junior Section Lead alan@elyrunners.co.uk
Debbie Abraham Junior Section Secretary juniors@elyrunners.co.uk
Caroline Brown Membership Secretary membership@elyrunners.co.uk
Tom Levinson Club Captain


Alex Levantis

Club Communications


Lizz McKiernan Club Development development@elyrunners.co.uk
Justin Smith Beginners Representative beginners@elyrunners.co.uk
Jon Price Club Welfare Officer welfareofficer@elyrunners.co.uk
Ryan Parker Club Stores + Club Kit kit@elyrunners.co.uk
Kath Gerighty Race Director Club Events (XC, TTR, 10kH, 1mH) clubevents@elyrunners.co.uk
Peter Royle Social Secretary social@elyrunners.co.uk

Non-Committee Roles Including Club Events Working Group

Name Position Club email address Photo
Debbie Abraham Race Director NYE10k nye10kracedirector@elyrunners.co.uk

Kath Gerighty

Chief Marshal NYE10k chiefmarshal@elyrunners.co.uk
Rob Pope Summer 5k Series League Race Director h5l@elyrunners.co.uk
Ann Thornton Chief Timekeeper
Debbie Fisher Assistant Timekeeper
Alan Rutterford Frostbite Team Manager alan@elyrunners.co.uk

Lizz McKiernan

RNR Mixed Class Team Manager rnrmixed@elyrunners.co.uk
Debbie Abraham RNR Open Class Team Manager rnr@elyrunners.co.uk
Andy Barber Trophies trophies@elyrunners.co.uk
Rob Pope Social Media Coordinator
Lizz McKiernan Ladies Representative ladies@elyrunners.co.uk

Ben Morris

Sustainability Champion

Club Training, Coaches and Run Leaders Forum

Matters related to coaching, training and run groups are discussed through this forum that meets semi-annually. The results of its discussions are fed back to the Club Committee for consideration via the attendees who are both committee members and belong to this forum.

If you need to contact this forum please do so via training@elyrunners.co.uk

Honorary Members List

John Crawford
Julie Foreman
Eric Drury
John Turner (also Honorary President president@elyrunners.co.uk )
Peter Gipp
Peter Harris
Stephen Tovey
Lionel Smith
Charlie Barker
Nicky Ester
Alan Rutterford
Emily Knight
Martin Courtney
Tanya Batchford
Mark Bell
Matthew Mason
Conan Fryer
Charlotte Scruton