Metro Pace Calculator

Metro Pace Calculator & Pacing Chart

Get a good idea of the pace you were running at or what pace you need to run at to achieve your targets

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(Measure in: Miles Kilometers Meters)

Pace time: minutes, seconds
(Pace distance: Miles Kilometers 400M)

Even Pacing Chart

Check the pace and split times required to run your target times

Mile Pace Km Pace 5KM 10KM 10M ½ Marathon 20 Mile Marathon
4:30 2:48 13:59 27:58 45:00 58:59 1:30:00 1:57:59
4:45 2:57 14:45 29:31 47:30 1:02:16 1:35:00 2:04:32
5:00 3:06 15:32 31:04 50:00 1:05:33 1:40:00 2:11:06
5:15 3:16 16:19 32:37 52:30 1:08:49 1:45:00 2:17:39
5:30 3:25 17:05 34:11 55:00 1:12:06 1:50:00 2:24:12
5:45 3:34 17:52 35:44 57:30 1:15:23 1:55:00 2:30:46
6:00 3:44 18:38 37:11 1:00:00 1:18:39 2:00:00 2:37:19
6:15 3:53 19:25 38:50 1:02:30 1:21:56 2:05:00 2:43:52
6:30 4:02 20:12 40:23 1:05:00 1:25:12 2:10:00 2:50:25
6:45 4:12 20:58 41:57 1:07:30 1:28:29 2:15:00 2:56:59
7:00 4:21 21:45 43:30 1:10:00 1:31:46 2:20:00 3:03:32
7:15 4:30 22:31 45:02 1:12:30 1:35:02 2:25:00 3:10:05
7:30 4:40 23:18 46:36 1:15:00 1:38:19 2:30:00 3:16:39
7:45 4:49 24:05 48:09 1:17:30 1:41:36 2:35:00 3:23:12
8:00 4:58 24:51 49:43 1:20:00 1:44:52 2:40:00 3:29:45
8:15 5:08 25:38 51:16 1:22:30 1:48:09 2:45:00 3:36:18
8:30 5:17 26:24 52:49 1:25:00 1:51:26 2:50:00 3:42:52
8:45 5:26 27:11 54:22 1:27:30 1:54:42 2:55:00 3:49:25
9:00 5:36 27:58 55:55 1:30:00 1:57:59 3:00:00 3:55:58
9:15 5:45 28:44 57:28 1:32:30 2:01:15 3:05:00 4:02:30
9:30 5:54 29:31 59:02 1:35:00 2:04:33 3:10:00 4:09:06
9:45 6:03 30:18 1:00:36 1:37:30 2:07:49 3:15:00 4:15:38
10:00 6:13 31:05 1:02:09 1:40:00 2:11:07 3:20:00 4:22:13
11:00 6:50 34:10 1:08:21 1:50:00 2:24:12 3:25:00 4:48:25
12:00 7:27 37:15 1:14:35 2:00:00 2:37:20 3:30:00 5:14:40